1-800-SWEEPER: The New Face of Safety

As we experience this unprecedented event in modern history, safety has taken on a new face. It is no longer enough to clean dirt and debris from parking lots and job sites to protect our pavement and natural resources, including the air we breathe, it is now more important than ever to focus on protecting ourselves and our employees.
Covid-19 has been a game changer for all the service industry. Quarantine’s and social distancing are now the new normal. Face masks and gloves are our new attire when out in public. During this pandemic there are businesses that are considered essential; grocery stores, pharmacies, gas stations and thankfully, power sweeping companies. While these “essential “retail businesses are open they also present a safety issue for the public. Customers are donning gloves and facemasks (known as PPE) to protect themselves and other customers from spreading the virus, but they are also recklessly disposing these used items in parking lots and streets. Cleaning up these disposed PPE items is also “essential”.
As sweeping company owners, it is now our responsibility to keep our operators safe in and out of the truck. Ben Steyer, Executive Director of 1-800-SWEEPER says “keeping operators safe is paramount right now. We are in regular contact with our Partners providing information and resources not only on the Corona Virus, but also on the relief programs in place to help companies financially as well sharing ideas of keeping their employees safe”.
1-800-SWEEPER Partners have instituted operator safety kits consisting of a facemask, disinfectant, gloves, paper towels, and other essential cleaning items, to wipe down their cabs at shift changes as well as keeping their shops compliant with the new safety standards. “Providing our Partners tools during the pandemic has been our focus. Information is important right now, knowing what assistance programs are available, how to apply for them and just general safety information and using 1-800-SWEEPER as a resource has been our goal” says Steyer. As an example, throughout the past 6 weeks, 1-800-SWEEPER has issued 12 bulletins to our Partners, put on 2 webinars and distributed a survey and it’s results to keep them abreast and on the leading edge of the evolving safety requirements and federal relief initiatives.
This pandemic will pass with time and as we move forward, we will experience a “new normal” in our business and personal lives. Keeping our employees safe and taking care of our customers will take on a new look with new requirements, expectations and procedures. During this time of crisis, the relationships and resources developed within the 1-800-SWEEPER organization have proven to be a tremendous added value to our Partners that continue to strengthen. As we traverse through the days and months ahead, 1-800-SWEEPER will continue to stay on top of the situation to provide the best and most timely information and resources as they become available to prepare our Partners for the opportunities ahead.